How To Give A Stress Relieving Foot Massage

Massage therapy in-home & on demand | How Massaging These Six Powerful  Spots on Your Feet Can Change Your Life

There is increasing evidence that foot massage can be beneficial for overall health. In addition, it can relieve stress and tension.

Start by rubbing the sole of the foot using a light to moderate pressure. Begin under the big toe and move towards the heel. Move the thumbs firmly to rub the side of the foot and increase your pressure as needed by leaning in with your body weight.


The sole of the foot is full of pressure points that need to be massaged gently. It also contains many of the muscles that control the lower leg. Begin by getting the client in a relaxed position and applying some lotion to their feet.

Make small clockwise and counterclockwise circles with both thumbs on the bottom of their foot, focusing on the sole of the heel. This is an essential part of any good foot massage.

Then move on to their big toe, starting underneath it. The big toe is the easiest to massage for two reasons: it’s easy to grip with your thumb and it’s the least sensitive area on the foot. After a few seconds, move on to the next toe and repeat until all their toes have been massaged. Each toe needs its own special treatment. It’s a lot of fun and it helps keep the feet feeling soft. Plus, it helps with circulation.


The arch is one of the most sensitive areas of the foot, so massage it gently and carefully. Begin by applying pressure with the thumb on each side of the foot in a circular motion. Then massage the area between each toe, alternating thumbs with each stroke. This technique helps reduce stress in the toes and toe joints.

Continue this pattern with the outside of the foot, then the inside. You can even add a little bit of lotion to the mix if desired, as this will make it easier to move your thumbs and fingers around on the foot.

The heel is tough and can handle a lot of pressure, but the Achilles tendon that extends up the back of the heel should be handled with care. Make small clockwise or counterclockwise circles with the thumbs on each foot and linger over any areas of tension.


Heel pain is a common issue and one of the most painful foot issues to deal with. Massage is known to reduce pain and soothe tense muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Foot massages can help ease the pain caused by plantar fasciitis, or heel spurs.

To begin massaging the heel, start under the big toe. Begin with light pressure and work your way up to deeper massage. Press and rotate the thumb, sliding it towards the toes with medium pressure. Repeat this several times before continuing to the heel. It’s important that a person knows when the pressure is too much and stops. Too much pressure can cause injury to the thumb, wrist, and hand of the practitioner. It’s also recommended that people do foot massage when pain levels are low, such as in the morning before they stand or take a shower. This will allow them to relax and enjoy the experience. They may even fall asleep during the foot massage!


Foot massage has clear, science-backed benefits: it relieves stress, boosts relaxation, and may improve sleep, libido, and even health. And a great foot rub can be as simple as the basic techniques described here.

Start by gently squeezing the hollow area below their ankle with your thumb and forefinger. Then, with your fingers, rub their Achilles tendon (the springy band of tissue that runs from the heel and ankle up through the lower leg muscles of the foot).

Toes may look redundant – after all, they don’t do much other than hold our shoes on – but they play an important role in balance and stability. Massage the nooks and crannies in between each toe, and give their big toes an extra squeeze for good measure. This is a time to be careful not to overdo the pressure, since feet are very sensitive. The last thing you want is to make someone yank their foot away in pain!

Tips For Sugar Control

Diabetes: Ayurveda expert on easy tips to control blood sugar in just 15  days | Health - Hindustan Times

The first step is to cut down on packaged foods, which often contain a lot of sugar and less-healthy ingredients. Look for foods that include nutrient-rich whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts and seeds.

Next, eliminate soda, sports drinks, many bottled juices, flavored coffee and tea and other sugary beverages. Replace them with water, 100% fruit juices and unsweetened tea or coffee.

Eat Regular Meals

It’s important to eat regular meals to keep your blood sugar in the target range. Eat a balanced diet that includes healthy carbohydrates (such as whole grains), lean protein, “good” fats and water. Be sure to check your portion sizes. One serving of food is 8 ounces (1 cup).

Carbohydrates directly affect your blood sugar level, while proteins and fats have less impact. Eat a variety of foods, but avoid highly processed (This link opens in a new window) foods that are high in sodium, sugar and saturated fat.

Aim to eat 3 to 4 small meals (up to 6 per day) spaced no more than six hours apart. Learn to count carbs and work with your doctor or dietitian to figure out the best way to do this.

Eat Smaller Meals

Glucose is the sugar in your blood that provides energy for the cells in your body. Keeping your blood sugars in the healthy range helps you have more energy and prevents health problems.

Eating small meals more frequently can help balance and control blood sugar levels. Smaller meals contain less glucose than larger ones and cause blood sugar to rise at a slower rate. This can be especially helpful for people with diabetes or hypoglycemia.

To maximize the benefits of eating smaller meals, make sure each meal and snack is well-balanced. Aim for a mix of carbs (fruit, vegetables and whole grains), protein and fats (like nuts or seeds) and fiber to keep your blood sugar levels stable. Using a blood glucose meter to track your blood sugar levels may also be helpful.

Exercise Regularly

Aerobic exercise, like walking, jogging and swimming, improves the body’s ability to use glucose for energy and decreases blood sugar levels. Exercise also reduces blood pressure and cholesterol, which is important for people with diabetes.

If you are starting to exercise, ask your doctor for the OK. They can check to see if your medications or insulin will affect your blood sugar level during and after exercise.

Be sure to drink lots of fluids during exercise to prevent dehydration. If you take insulin, always carry a small snack with 15 grams of carbs, such as a granola bar or glucose tablets, to avoid low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). It’s a good idea to test your blood sugar before exercising and every 30 minutes during a workout.

Take Glucose Tablets

Glucose tablets are a fast and reliable way to bring down low blood sugar levels. They are available at most drug stores or pharmacies, and typically come in a variety of flavors. Each tablet contains a precise dose of glucose, so you can be sure that you are taking the right amount of carbs to treat your low blood sugar.

Be sure to talk with your health care provider about how often you need to take glucose, including before and after exercise. They may also advise you to carry a source of fast-acting carbohydrate with you, like glucose tablets, juice box or a snack bag. It is also important to have a kit of injectable glucagon on hand. Speak with your doctor to see if one is appropriate for you, and make sure that family members and friends know how to use it.

Take Your Medicine as directed

Millions of Americans have prediabetes or diabetes, and keeping blood sugars within a healthy range will help prevent serious problems in the future. Blood sugar, also called glucose, is the body’s energy source and gets into the bloodstream from the foods we eat.

It’s important to check your blood sugar as often as your doctor recommends, especially before and two hours after meals. This will help you learn how food affects your blood sugar, and if you need to change your meal plan or insulin doses.

Stress, anxiety and depression can all cause a rise in blood sugar by triggering the hormone cortisol to increase. To avoid this, try relaxation techniques like meditation and stress management. Getting into a routine can also help. Checking your blood sugar at the same time every day, like right after breakfast, can help.

Daily Exercise Tips For Good Health

People exercise for a variety of reasons. Whether you are just starting an exercise routine or need to reenergize your current regimen, following these daily exercise tips can help you get fit and feel healthy.

Turn “sit time” into “fit time.” Walk briskly instead of leisurely, and use a step-counter to motivate yourself.

Start Slowly

If you haven’t exercised for awhile, start with a low-intensity activity such as walking and gradually increase the length of time and intensity. Avoid pushing yourself too hard, which can lead to a sprain or muscle strain.

Try to get some type of physical activity in every day. You can walk to work, use the stairs instead of the elevator, bike to a friend’s house, take a dance class or play a sport.

Set goals and track your progress. It’s motivating to see that you are improving. Consider signing up for a virtual group fitness class, which offers accountability and encouragement. Make sure to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day and after your workout to stay hydrated. Also, don’t skip meals to exercise. Eating regularly keeps your blood sugar stable, which will give you more energy. Also, eat protein-rich foods to help build and maintain your muscles. A protein shake after your workout can be a good choice.

Take It Slowly

If you go into daily exercise too fast, you may experience physical burnout. You also risk injuring yourself, which can stop your momentum and make it hard to stick with your plan.

To avoid getting hurt, start with an easy workout and gradually increase the time and intensity. For instance, start with a 20-minute walk and then build up to a 30-minute walk three to four days a week.

You can also turn sitting time into fitness time by taking the stairs instead of an elevator, walking to lunch with a friend or dancing while listening to music. And don’t forget to warm up before lifting weights. Cold muscles are more prone to injury.

If you’re aching all over, that’s a telltale sign that you’re pushing yourself too hard. If the muscle soreness lasts more than a few days or makes it painful to get up off the couch, take it easier. If you’re injured, rest and let your body heal before exercising again, English says.

Break Up Your Workouts

Keeping your workouts fresh is essential to staying motivated. Aim for a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio and two strength-training sessions per week. But don’t be afraid to make a contingency plan for days you can’t do your usual exercise.

For example, if you always run on a treadmill or elliptical machine at the gym, try running outside or taking a class on a different type of equipment. Getting out of your usual environment can give you a new perspective, which can inspire you to get back to your normal routine.

Another great way to keep your workouts fun is to use triggers. These are the things that kick off your routine automatically, like the time of day or place you exercise. For instance, many people find it easier to stick with their exercise habits if they do it in the same place and at the same time each day. So set a schedule or put your sneakers by the door so that it’s as easy as possible to exercise each day.

Keep It Fun

It’s easy to put physical activity at the bottom of your to-do list, but it’s one of the most important things you can do for good health. Whether you go for a jog on the weekend or squeeze in a few workouts throughout the week, exercise should be fun and healthy.

Try to avoid exercise that’s too strenuous, which can cause muscle soreness and even injury. Instead, choose a workout that challenges your body in a safe way and helps you tone muscles while strengthening your bones.

Try adding some music to your exercise routine, or listen to a podcast or audiobook while exercising. You can also make exercise fun by participating in activities with friends and family. A game of tennis, tag or even egg and spoon races can burn calories and build muscle. And don’t forget to stretch. A well-rounded stretching routine should be included in your daily exercise routine after endurance and strength exercises.